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TransAsia Airways crashes in Taiwan

By Unknown → Thursday, July 24, 2014
;dhsjdka .=jka wk;=rlska 50 lg wêl msßila Ôú;laIhg'

;dhsjdkfha§ Bfha rd;%sfha§ u.S .=jka hdkhla wk;=rg ,laùfuka mqoa.,hska 51 fofkl= muK Ôú;laIhg m;a j ;sfnkjd'

fuf,i wk;=rg ,laj we;af;a ‘g‍%dkaia taIshd thd¾ fõia’ .=jka hdkhls' yÈis f.dvnEulg iQodkï jQ wjia:dfõ§ fmka.=hs ¥m;g lvdjeà we;'

;j;a 9 fofkl= muK ;=jd, ,nd ;sfnkjd' ;dhsjdkhg oekg n,meje;afjk ueÜfuda l=Kdgq ;;a;ajh fuhg fya;=jla njhs'

;dhsjdkfha fujka .=jka wk;=rla isÿjqfha fuhg jir 12 wdgd muK miq njhs ioyka jkafka' 2002 jif¾§ fmka.= wdikak§ phskd thd¾ ,hska iud.ug wh;a fndahska.a 747 j¾.fha .=jka hdkhla .=jfka§ wk;=rg m;aj fmka.= ¥m;g lvd jegqKq w;r tu .=jka hdkfha .uka l, 225 fofkl= Ôú;laIhg m;ajq‚'

More than 50 people were feared dead in a plane crash in Taiwan with witnesses and local media reporting the flight came down in a storm

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Jillur Rahman

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