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LG Unrolls a TV Screen That Rolls Up

By Unknown → Monday, July 14, 2014
frda,a lrf.k f.khd yels rEmjdysks ;srhla ksmoùug ol=Kq fldßhdfõ t,a'Ô bf,lafg%daksl WmlrK ksIamdol iud.u iu;aj ;sfnkjd' fï jk úg jl% ;sr iys; iaud¾Üf*daka fj<ofmdf,ys we;s w;r fuu frda,a lrf.k f.khd yels ;srhla ksmoúu;a iu.u ;j;a ;dlaI‚l fmr<slï /ila wdrïN jkq we;'

LG Electronics announced a new kind of OLED TV screen that can be rolled up into a tube. The flexible 18-inch screen features a resolution of 1200 x 810, and can be rolled into a cylinder measuring 3cm across.
w.,a 18 la muK jk fuu rEmjdyskS ;srh lvodis fld<hla fia frda,a l<  yels njhs jd¾;d jkafka' fuu ;srh ksmoùu ioyd t,a'Ô iud.u oekg mj;sk Wiiau ;dlaI‚l C%u Ndú;d lr ;sfnk w;r tksidfjkau oekg fj<ofmdf<ys we;s rEmjdyskS ;sr j,g jvd by< úfNaok n,hla yd §ma;shla fuu ;srfhka ,nd.; yelshehs ioyka fjhs'

bÈß jir jk úg§ fuu ;dlaIKh wdOdr lrf.k ksmofjk rEmjdyskS fukau iaud¾Üf*daka o fj<ofmd<g ksl=;a lsÍug yelsjkq we;ehs tu iud.u úYajdi lrk njg jd¾;d fjkjd'

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Jillur Rahman

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