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Yahoo exec sued by ex-employee for sexual harassment

By Unknown → Monday, July 14, 2014
idudkHfhka wmsg yeuodu jf.a wykak ,efnkafka msßñ md¾Yjh úiska ldka;djkag isÿ lrk ,o w;jr lsßï yd ta wdY%s; fpdaokd .ek' kuq;a fï lshkak hkafka Bg jvd fjkia mqj;la'

fuu mqj; jd¾;d fjkafka f,dalfha m%lg ;dlaI‚l wdh;khla jk fldhs ljqre;a okak zhdyqz fjí wvúh ysñ iud.fukqhs' fuu wdh;kfha fcHIaG wOHlaIjßhla jk udßhd iex.a kï ;eke;a;sh ;ukag iu,sx.sl w;jr lsÍug ;e;a l< nj lshñka tu iud.fïu uDÿldx. bxðfkarejßhla jk keka Is  kvq mjrd we;s nj jd¾;d jkjd

udßhd Ieka.a 

keka Is
;uka yd iu,sx.sl weiqrla werUqjfyd;a Wiiaùula ,ndfok njg;a jdÑlj ;uka yd weiqrla wrUkakehso weh fhdackd lr ;sfnk njhs ioyka jkafka' ;jo wka;¾cd,h Tiafia l:d l< wjia:dfõ§  mjd weh tu b,a,Su  isÿl, njhs keka Is f.dkq l< meñ‚,af,a ioyka jkafka'

fuh mokï úrys; fpdaokdjla nj;a fuys kS;suh ;;a;ajhl§  zhdyqz  iud.u udßhd fjkqfjka fmkS isàug iqodkï njo f;dre;=re jd¾;d jkjd'

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Jillur Rahman

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