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Naked selfies extracted from 'factory reset' phones

By Unknown → Sunday, July 13, 2014

wka;¾ cd,fha ebay yryd ish mer‚ iaud¾Ü cx.u ÿrl;kh úl=KQ ldka;djka msßilf.a ksrej;a PdhdrEm tu ÿrl;k j,ska fidhd .ksñka tajd wiNH fjí wvúj, m<lrk cd;Hka;r cdjdrula l%shd;aul jkafka hehs wkdjrKh fõ'

úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkafka fuu ldka;djka ;u mer‚ ÿrl;kfha ;snQ ish¿u PdhdrEm yd mqoa.,sl o;a; uldoud wf,ú lr ;snqK;a tajd kej;;a fidhd.; yels uDÿldx. fï jkúg ksmojd ;sfnk ksid fudjqka fï wdldrfhka wk;=f¾ jeà ;sfnk njhs'

fujeks uDÿldx. myiqfjka fidhd.; yels ksid úfYaI{hska úiska Wmfoia ,nd§ ;sfnkafka b;du;a jeo.;a f;dr;=re iy fiahdrE iys; mqoa.,sl iaud¾Ü cx.u ÿrl;k ebay yryd úl=Kd oeóug jvd tajd úkdY lr oeóu jvd wdrlaIdldÍ njhs'

fpÉ rdcHfha msysá iud.ula úiska úl=Kd ;snQ mer‚ iaud¾Ü cx.u ÿrl;kj, ;snQ ldka;djka yd msßñkaf.a ksrej;a PdhdrEm 1000 la muK fidhdf.k ;sfnk nj i|ykah'

f;dr;=re ;dlaIK úfYaI{hska i|yka lr ;sfnkafka wekafv%dhsâ cx.u ÿrl;kj, ;sfnk fiahdrE yd f;dr;=re tajd úlsŒug fmr uld oeóu m%udKj;a fkdjk nj;a tu *hs,aia iïmQ¾Kfhkau wl%Sh jk mßÈ tajd Wäka ´j¾rhsÜ l< hq;= njhs'

wo forK weiqßka

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