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Sangakkara appointed a brand ambassador for a 3 wheel company

By Unknown → Sunday, July 13, 2014
ix.laldr lshkafka uq¿ f,dalhla wdorh lrk l%Svlfhla' ix.f.a ;sfnk uy;aud .;sj,g;a l%Svd f,da,Ska fndfyda we¨‍ï lrkjd' tjeks l%Svlhl=g l;d yefokjd lshkafk wreuhla fkfjhs' ta ksidu miq.sh Èk lsysmfhau ix.d .ek wuq;= wuq;= f.disma udOHj, olskak ,enqKd' úfYaIfhka ix.d foaYmd,khg tkj lshk tl udOH .sks.;a; f.disma tlla jqKd' yenehs wms fï oeka lshk l;dj Bg fjkia tlla'

ix.df.a foaYmd,k l;d hglrñka l%slÜ .yk ix.d ;%Sù,a úl=Kkakg ie/fik njg fï Èkj, udOH la‍fIa;%h mqrd f,dl= liql=iqjla me;sfrkjd' okak wh lshk úÈhg ta jHdmdrh ksid w;s úYd, uqo,la ix.dg ,efnkj¨‍' l;dfõ we;a; ke;a; wdrxÑ lr,d n,oa§ l;dj fndrejlau fkfjhs' ix.laldr tla;rd ;%sfrdao r: j¾.hl ikakdu ;dkdm;s fj,d' ta ksihs ;%sfrdao úl=Kk oekaùulg fmkS isákak Tyqg wjia:dj ,eì,d ;sfhkafka' ix.laldr;a tlal fï fjf<| oekaùu l< ks¾udKlrejka lshkafka ix.d l%slÜ .ykak ú;rla fkfjhs rx.khg;a w;sola‍Ihs lsh,d' lshk l;dj we;a;o n,kak oekaùu m%pdrh fjklkau wmsg n,ka bkak fjkjd'

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