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Nikki Kelly suffocates Kiam Felix Jr.

By Unknown → Sunday, July 13, 2014
mq;d urd" PdhdrEm f*ianqla .sKqfï oeuQ uj
udi 11l ;u mq;= >d;kh lr mq;=f.a u< isrefrys PdhdrEm Facebook fjí wvúfha m< l< ujl ms<sn|j wefußldfõ ksõfhda¾la k.rfhka jd¾;d fjkjd'

Kiam Felix Jr 22 yeúßÈ ksfld,a fl,S kue;s tu ldka;dj orejdf.a u< isrefrys PdhdrEm wehf.a Facebook msgqfõ m< lr we;af;a" ˜‍I reached my breaking point I didnzt want him anymore˜‍ hkqfjka i|yka lrñks'

ksõfhda¾la fmd,Sish mejiqfõ" fi!LH fiaúldjl f,i fiajh lr we;s tu uj we| we;sß,a,lska orejdf.a f.< isr lr urd oud we;s nj h'tfia orejdf.a f.< isr lr meh Nd.hla muK uj n,d isg we;ehs fmd,Sish mjihs'

orejdf.a mshd ujf.ka fjkaj Ôj;a ù we;s w;r wi,ajdiSkaf.a oekqï §ulska Tyq ksjig meñK orejd frday,la fj; /f.k .sh o bka M,la ù fkdue; ta jk úgo tu orejd ñhf.diska isá nj úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd'
Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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